Texcare Forum

Themes & Events

Whether highly topical information or a dialogue with experts. The numerous events and top subjects at Texcare International give you the chance to expand and deepen your knowledge.  

Texcare 2024 Top Themes


Robotisation at Texcare

Automation and digitalization have made textile care processes much more efficient. This is because they not only optimize the flow of goods and data, but also replace burdensome work and simplify interfaces with customers, who can track where their laundry is and how it is being treated at all times. Countless new developments in this area will be presented at Texcare International.

Staff shortages are currently one of the biggest challenges facing the industry. With the help of robots, sensors and artificial intelligence, companies have the opportunity to compensate for staff shortages of skilled and unskilled workers, automate repetitive work and become more independent and efficient overall. At the same time, employees benefit from a higher quality of work and new opportunities for development.

Energy and resources

Graphic to the Top Theme Energy and resources

Resource efficiency has become one of the most important targets in textile care, and not just since energy prices began to rise worldwide.

Many laundries and dry cleaners are re-evaluating their processes in light of today's requirements in terms of consumption, emission avoidance and reduction of the CO2 footprint. Texcare showcases a wide range of solutions, which often consist of an intelligent combination of equipment, chemicals, controls and laundry quality.

The question of future energy sources is also becoming increasingly urgent. At the trade fair, the pros and cons of gas, electricity, hydrogen and other sources will be examined in detail so that companies can make the right investment decisions for their future.


Graphic about sustainability

The hygienic cleaning and reuse of textiles is the epitome of a functioning circular economy. The sustained use of high-quality textiles makes both practical and ecological sense. From identification to collector/dispenser systems to fleet management, Texcare offers everything the textile service sector needs for its business model.     

But the industry can also benefit from a circular approach in other respects. In the production facilities, water and energy are largely moving in closed loops. With the help of state-of-the-art technology, they are used economically, processed and recovered. And even at the end of the useful life of textiles, there is a new beginning: developments in textile recycling are another hot topic at Texcare International 2024.

Interview with Thomas Fischer, expert in textile recycling, recycling management and market development at bvse, on the topic of textile recycling as a significant contribution to sustainability

Textile care companies and rental services are already working sustainably today by caring for the laundry professionally and thus maintaining its value. This means that textiles can be used for longer and recycled later. But what happens when textiles reach the end of their life cycle? Our interview focuses on the current status of textile recycling in Europe.

Textile hygiene

Laundry lies in a washing machine

Textile care companies have always been specialists in the hygienic preparation of textiles. The industry therefore expects demand to continue to grow in the field of textile hygiene in the health care and hotel and tourism sectors.

Innovations in textile hygiene - from disinfecting processes for textile cleaning, hygienic washing processes and detergents to antiviral finishing of textiles - will be the focus of Texcare International 2024.

Events Texcare International  

In addition to the exhibitors' highlights, the specialist supporting programme sets new accents. Here, the top themes automation, energy and resources, circularity and textile hygiene will also be examined in detail.

Texcare Forum

Participants of Texcare Forum

The Texcare Forum will contribute to the transfer of knowledge between manufacturers, users and experts on all four days of the fair. Messe Frankfurt is working closely with its partners, the German Textile Cleaning Association (DTV) and VDMA Textile Care, Fabric and Leather Technologies, as well as other international associations, to develop the content of the conference.


Texcare Forum Programme
Texcare Forum Programme

Cheers to Texcare!

Texcare Happy Hour

We invite you to join us for our daily Happy Hour from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. in the Galleria (except on the Saturday of the fair).

Come and toast a successful day at the fair with other visitors, exhibitors and international journalists. Make new contacts and deepen existing ones in a pleasant atmosphere – or simply enjoy a relaxing end to a successful day at the fair.

Young Competence

Logo Young competence

Under the heading "Young Competence", activities are planned that are specifically aimed at young people in the industry.

Guided Tours

Guided tour during Texare

Guided Tours will help visitors to discover and categorise the many innovations that exhibitors are bringing to the fair.

Activities of the Industry Associations

In addition, important associations use Texcare as a platform for their own events. For example, CINET (Comité International De L`Entretien du Textile) organises its World Congress and presents the Global Best Practices Awards. Learn more: